Dr Liss Homeopathy Natural Medicine

For Appointment, Call Dr. Michael Liss Doctor of Classical Homeopathy & Integrative Health Specialist, 443-739-7903

Office Visits Available in Washington DC, Frederick Maryland and Baltimore MD and Oakton, VA.

Dr. Liss is endorsed by Peter Breggin MD, a psychiatrist (breggin.com) and developer of Empathic Therapy to help people detox from psychiatric (psychotropic) medication.

Homeopathy and Natural Medicine
are safe, gentle and inexpensive methods for healing psychological, emotional and physical illnesses
homeopathic remedy
woman blowing her nose

Perhaps you can relate to some of the following:

  • Are you fed up with taking traditional pharmaceutical medications to treat your psychological or emotional disorders and imbalances for depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder ADD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, Syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Bi-Polar, and bio-chemical imbalances?
  • Are you a parent who is searching for a safe natural alternative to vaccines for your children? To make an informed decision about vaccinations for your child please check the National Vaccine Information Website.
  • Do you have the same chronic health issues returning month after month, year after year?
  • Are you stuck in unhelpful mindsets, negative emotions and self-defeating behaviors?
  • If you are open to a natural holistic, and effective ways to treat your emotional and physical  health issues, using homeopathic remedies and natural nutritional supplements that get to the root cause of your illness without unpleasant list of side effects, then Dr. Michael Liss is here to help your entire family. Dr. Michael Liss has over 40 years experience treating illness and severe chronic health challenges from Autism to vaccine toxicity.

If you found your way to this website, you probably have tried the traditional avenues of allopathic health care and  your symptoms either didn’t improve, or only improved slightly. Or, maybe your symptoms have even gotten worse from the side effects from the numerous medications.

You might be frustrated because your traditional health care providers didn’t understand you or try to really get to the root cause of your condition. You might feel like you were shuffled along doctor to doctor and eventually pushed out the door with yet more drugs that do not help you.

If this sounds like you, then you have come to the right place.

On your first visit Dr. Liss will take 2 hours to really listen to you, and discover when the symptoms started and trace it back to the root cause. The solution will be using a combination of proven effective holistic medicine protocols using homeopathic remedies, natural supplements, vitamins, dietary and nutritional based safe solutions.

As an Integrative Health Practitioner and Homeopath, Dr. Michael Liss Can Help You Find Relief from the Following Problems:

Psychological Emotional Problems:
Physical Health Problems:
  • Abuse Issues
  • ADD
  • ADHD
  • Addictions and Substance Abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Personality Disorders
  • Post Traumatic Stress
  • Fears and Phobias

homeopathic remedy

  • ADD
  • ADHD
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression CEASE   
  • Childhood Ailments
  • Chronic Illness 
  • Chronic Stress 
  • Chronic Pain    
  • Colitis     
  • Digestive Disorders  
  • Ear Infections
  • Eczema
  • Flu (Homeopathic FLU Vaccine Alternatives, Homeoprophylaxis)
  • Hair and Skin Disorders
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • Herpes
  • Infertility
  • Immune Deficiency
  • International Travelers Kits
  • Geriatric Issues
  • Menopause (Hot Flashes)
  • Migranes
  • Muscular Pain
  • Nervous Disorders  
  • Pre and Post-Surgical Trauma
  • Premenstrual Syndrome PMS
  • Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal  
  • Psoriasis
  • Lyme Disease Prevention and
  • Treatment
  • Re-occurring Acute Conditions
  • Seasonal Allergies to Pollen
  • Sinus Infections
  • Vaccine Injuries
  • And Much More….

Credibility from research studies:

Many research studies have been carried out recently in the United States and other countries showing the effectiveness of homeopathy, from treating Autism to the healing of wounds.

How Homeopathy and Natural Healing Can Help You:

herbsMy area of specialty as a Doctor of Classical Homeopathy & Integrative Health Specialist is psychological-emotional disorders. In addition, I have treated many types of physical ailments in adults and children. Children’s alternative to vaccines and disorders such as autism implementing the C.E.A.S.E. method (Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression). To begin treatment, I will take a complete assessment of your situation and then advise you on how to take control of your health and your life, and not be dependent on harmful medicines and lifestyles.

As an Integrative Health Practitioner and Homeopath,
I will help you take charge of your own health.

The power of homeopathy  and natural healing is in its natural restorative power to the body and mind. It helps unblock vital energy   that is the root of psychological and physical health problems.

Freed up, it proceeds to heal us on all levels. You will have a new lease on life. You may even look and perform as if you were years younger.

There isn’t any ailment that can’t be treated by natural means. The main principle of Homeopathy is “Likes can be Cured by Likes.” Our innate biological wisdom recognizes the pattern of energy inherent in a particular homeopathic remedy,that was
chosen based on our state and symptoms. This remedy in its natural state will bring on the same symptoms that we have. When this energetic match happens, our healing vital force is released, curing us.

Homeopathic remedies are perfectly safe because they are highly diluted, out of the range of chemical/pharmacological action. The remedies act on the energy body and the natural intelligence that directs those energies. Unlike conventional medications, homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s natural healing systems.

If you are suffering with any kind of psychological or physical health condition, natural medicine and homeopathy is a safe, gentle way to heal disease and emotional and psychological health problems.  If you are ready to heal and mexperience vitality again, contact me by phone at: 443-739-7903 or click here to Email Dr. Liss.

About Dr Michael Liss

Dr Michael Liss picture

Dr Michael Liss is a Doctor of Classical Homeopathy & Integrative Health Specialist.
He has been in private practice since 1980 and has studied with many international homeopathic healers. Dr. Liss abides by a no charge policy for combat veterans (at his DC and Maryland offices).

Dr Liss has taught Homeopathy at the following schools:

  • University of Maryland at Kernan Hospital
  • George Washington University School of Medicine
  • Howard University School of Medicine
  • Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
  • Tai Sophia Institute

Patients travel from all over the Greater Washington DC area, Montgomery County, Frederick County, Northern Virginia and Fairfax County. After your first initial in-person appointment, phone consultations are also available.

Frederick location exterior building
Frederick location exterior building
Frederick location exterior building
2944 Hunter Mill Road #101
Oakton, Virginia 22124

Map & Directions

Appointments available
Wednesdays, beginning 3-30-16.
For appointments, call: 571-529-6699
604 Solarex Court #205
Frederick Maryland 21703

Map & Directions

Appointments available
1st Sun. of Month, 3rd Sat. & Sun.
For appointments, call: 443-739-7903
600 Wyndhurst Ave  #150
Baltimore MD 21210

Map & Directions

Appointments available
1st Saturday of every Month 
For appointments, call: 443-739-7903

Washington DC Appointments Available: 

For Washington DC appointments, call Dr. Liss at 443-739-7903.

Email Dr. Liss at: michael@drlisshomeopath.com

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